Friday, May 11, 2007

I've Moved

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Pastor's Blog


Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Monday, May 7, 2007


As a pastor, I am cautious when a child comes forward to accept Christ as Savior and Lord.  My experience tells me that certainly a child can be truly saved.  I was 8 years old when I was saved.  I knew very little about God, Jesus, and salvation at that time.  I only knew that I was a sinner and that sin was a problem between God and me.  I knew that Jesus was God’s son and that he died on the cross for me.  There’s a lot I still don’t understand!

But I also know people who walked the aisle at a young age, were baptized, and thought they were saved.  Salvation is an act of the will to agree with God about your sinfulness and to accept his resolution for that problem: Jesus’ death on the cross.  Upon confessing Christ as your Savior and committing your life to him, you are saved.  It can only be accomplished by grace through faith.  Grace is where you don’t deserve what you get.  Mercy is where you don’t get what you deserve.  Many folks think grace and mercy are the same but there is a subtle yet significant difference!  I not only want mercy (not getting what I deserve – punishment and hell) but I also want grace (not deserving what I get – forgiveness and Heaven)!  Faith is believing that God is exactly who he says he is and that he will do exactly what he says he will do.  Salvation is by grace through faith.

What an awful thing to do to a child to allow him to run through the motions of walking the aisle and being baptized without ever having a true salvation experience!  Many adults think they are saved because they walked the aisle, repeated a prayer, and were baptized when a child.  They believe they have their ticket to Heaven punched and don’t really care about how they live or living for Christ.  That false sense of security that churches place on them can be an eternal disaster.

I don’t want that to happen to any child.  So when my son Riley started asking questions about salvation, being a Christian, being baptized, and taking the Lord’s Supper, I was cautious.  This has been going on for several months but I just didn’t think he understood the basics: what sin is, that he is a sinner, that Jesus died on the cross as punishment for his sins, that being a Christian is about more than baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Last night I sat on the edge of the bed with him as we said our bedtime prayers.  After I said mine he asked me what sin is.  He pronounced it with a “d” on the end of it (“send”) so I answered based on that.  He corrected me.  I wanted to see if he really understood; his correction let me know he had a good idea of what sin is.  We talked for a while and also talked with Deana (my wife, his mother).  We finally felt comfortable with him praying to receive Christ as Savior.

I think it’s real.  And I’m real happy.  There is nothing like helping your child be birthed into God’s family.  I’ve been privileged to be present when all my sons were born into my family and born into God’s family.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Cross Connection

Another great day of missions ministry!  God is so good to show himself to us as we serve him.  Today, we went to Hot Springs for Cross Connection.  This is an event sponsored by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention that provides the opportunity for youth to learn creative ways to do ministry (games, balloons, face painting, puppets…) and a ministry project to complete during the afternoon.

Our project was socializing and yard work at a nursing home in the Hot Springs area.  Our 5 youth trimmed a few shrubs, cleaned a window (inside and out), and called a few games of BINGO.  This nursing center is unique in that it is operated in an adapted house rather than the institutional set-up I’m accustomed to.  That made it easier for our youth.

The bands, the speaker, and the breakout session were fantastic.

It’s been two weeks jam packed with missions!  Don’t miss your opportunity to be involved.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life