Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You're Not A Kid Anymore

This is borrowed from

You’re not a kid anymore when…

  • The only reason you’re awake at 4 a.m. is indigestion.
  • You are proud of your lawnmower.
  • 8 a.m. is your idea of “sleeping in.”
  • People call you at 8 p.m. and ask you, “Did I wake you?”
  • Your high school diploma is the color of buttermilk.
  • Nobody ever tells you to slow down.
  • You’ve seen Halley’s Comet…twice.
  • You have a party and the neighbors don’t even realize it.

Have a great week!

Against State Lottery

It is likely that the State Legislature will discuss and perhaps vote on bringing a State Lottery issue to the voters.  I have contacted Representative Dan Greenberg and Senator Shane Broadway encouraging them to stand, speak, and vote against this in their respective chambers.  Both have responded saying they are against the state lottery.  Praise the Lord!

I will not get into a lengthy discussion of gambling at this point, but know that gambling in any form is not good stewardship, hurts families and the poor, and places an extra burden on the government to protect its citizens.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Todd Jones Memorial Service

Debbie has decided to have a memorial service for Todd.  It will be Thursday at 2:00pm at Roller-Chenal in Little Rock.  Your support and presence would be appreciated, I’m sure.

Thank you for being a caring church family.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Why I believe in the Resurrection

Recent news about a film regarding the tomb of Jesus and his family have ignited quite a discussion.  Some hope to discredit the claims of Christianity that Jesus was resurrected.  Others hope to use the film as a springboard into a discussion about the validity of the resurrection.  Still others simply take a condescending approach toward those who believe differently – on both sides!

I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  Here’s why.

The Empty Tomb
The Bible speaks repeatedly of an empty tomb.  And the Bible is reliable evidence because there are more copies of the New Testament from dates very close to when the events happened than of any other writings regarding that period.  We have no trouble accepting Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, yet we have hundreds more copies of the Bible than of Homer’s works.  A rational person cannot reject the validity of the Bible – and the Bible tells of an empty tomb.

The Post-Resurrection Appearances
Although many, including the Jewish officials of that day, claim the disciples stole the body from the tomb, Jesus appeared to many people after the resurrection.  He appeared to the women, to the disciples multiple times, to a group of 500, to the two on the Emmaus Road, and to Saul of Tarsus.  This many witnesses in a court of law is overwhelming evidence that nobody would dare contradict.

The Thorough Transformation of the Disciples
This is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting the resurrection.  If the resurrection is a hoax, how could the disciples stand up to the authorities like they did?  They either scattered or denied knowing Jesus just a few weeks earlier but beginning on Pentecost they were bold.  Christian historical tradition tells us that all the disciples except John were put to death for their beliefs; many of them died a tortuous death.  Why were they bold?  Why were they engaging the culture?  Why were they able to do things they had never done before?  When you embrace the truth of the resurrection of Jesus you change.

The Conversion and Testimony of Saul of Tarsus
We are first introduced to the great missionary Paul before his conversion as Saul of Tarsus – a Jewish religious zealot.  Instead of going down in history as the biggest persecutor of Christians, we know him as the greatest missionary ever.  Why did he forsake his former way of life and embrace Christianity?  He met a living Jesus.

The Absence of a Valid Contemporary Denial
The authorities had many opportunities to deny the resurrection: Peter and John stood before them accused of preaching in the name of Jesus and all the authorities said was to stop preaching in his name.  One would think that Jewish historians would have depicted Jesus in a negative light – if they mentioned him at all.  Yet hear what Flavius Josephus, who lived 37-97 AD wrote about Jesus in Antiquities.  “He was the Christ…He appeared to them alive on the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold.”

The Immediate Growth of the Christian Church
The immediate and sustained growth of the Christian church can only be explained in light of a resurrected Lord.  If this is a hoax then the disciples would not have preached as they did, the converts would have been fewer, the story would have lost enthusiasm from generation to generation, the story would have grown as legends do, and the millions of lives changed over the years would have felt no lasting affect.  But the story is the same today as 2000 years ago, it has gained momentum, and lives are truly changed as believers continue to aggressively proclaim the gospel.

The Lord’s Day
Do you know why we worship as a believing community on Sundays?  It’s because of the resurrection.  It happened on the morning after the Sabbath, which was from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday.  The women found the empty tomb on Sunday morning.  The church began meeting on Sunday in honor of the resurrection of the Savior.  Just one more piece of evidence pointing to the truth of the resurrection.

I believe in the resurrection and my life is different because of it.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Friday, February 23, 2007

Caring for Each Other

A word that describes the church as depicted in the Book of Acts is “common.”  Not that the church is common; it is supernatural – a work of God!  By “common” I simply mean that people came together out of a common relationship with Christ, with a common purpose, and had all things in common.  They were “together,” they cared for each other.

Christians that make a difference today will continue to care about each other.  Here are some tips for doing that.

·         Send a note of encouragement during a person’s difficult time

·         Make a hospital or nursing home visit

·         Take a casserole to a family in bereavement

·         Share a meal with a fellow church member

·         Share prayer concerns and pray together

I’m sure you can think of many more ways to care for each other.  Now, be an outstanding church and do something common.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines Banquet

Last night was a great time.  If you were there, you know!  Thanks to everyone who planned, prepared, and participated.  Sounds like a good sermon outline!  J

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Sense of Wonder

Do you still have the sense of wonder that you had as a child?

Here’s a silly example: We purchased our first color TV when I was about 8 years old.  In over-dramatic fashion, I fell to my knees then prone on the floor as if overcome by the terrific sight of the 19” set on the roll-around cart.

Here’s a better example: One line of the Oak Ridge Boys’ song Thank God for Kids says, “Daddy, how does this thing fly?  And a hundred other ‘where’s and ‘why’s.  I really don’t know, but I try; Thank God for kids.”  A child looks at all things with a sense of wonder.  They wonder how it works.  They wonder how it is made.  They wonder where it came from and whose idea it was.  Sometimes we are irritated with the barrage of “Why?” questions.  It’s the wonder of it all.

Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon, the Grand Cayman Islands, or the Grand Ballroom at the Waldorf Astoria?  Remember the first time you sat on the airplane as it accelerated down the runway?  Have you stood at Ground Zero or in a Presidential Library or on foreign soil?  Remember the wonder of it all?

But the wonder of wonders is that Jesus would take a place in our world as one of us so that we might spend eternity in his world with him.  Have you lost the sense of wonder?  Join us for Bible Study this Sunday and begin to recapture the wonder of it all.  Do you know someone who has lost the wonder?  Bring them with you.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

God Always Cares

I just completed reading the book of Exodus this morning.  In 1:8 we are told that the king of Egypt did not know Joseph – or his fathers or God’s promises to them.  In 2:24 we are told that God heard the Hebrews’ cries from oppression – and that God remembered (not that he had ever forgotten) his promises to the Hebrew people.

Then God called Moses to go to Pharaoh, the Hebrews finally make a run for the border, God dries a path through the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, periods of rebellion, the details of the tabernacle.

Fast forward to chapter 40.  God filled the tabernacle with his presence as a cloud and led them.

I’m encouraged in my daily walk with Christ to know that God is with me from beginning to end just like he was with the Hebrews on every page of the book of Exodus.  He is ever-present and cares enough to guide me, too.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A Pat on the Back

I know we aren't supposed to have pride concerning our work for the Lord; this is intended to be "not prideful."

Sunday was an absolutely great day! We baptized and we had more in Bible Study and Worship than any Sunday since I've been here. You are to be commended for your faithfulness and hard work. I believe the acronym G.R.O.W. is especially applicable: God Rewards Our Work.

Please continue to invite friends and neighbors to come with you. God has great things in store for us, some of which we are beginning to see a first glimpse of and some of which we could not even dream of. God is good and so are you.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life!

Super Bowl Reflection

I watched the Super Bowl in fast motion; It took about an 90 minutes – and only because I watched the commercials in regular speed. I recorded the game on DVR and sped through it to see what happened. Caleb, my 20 year old son, had called earlier in the afternoon and left a message for me to call him so I did with about 4 minutes to go in the first half – according to MY version of the game. I wouldn’t let him tell me who won the game!

I rarely watch NFL football anymore because my Sundays are workdays for me. I can’t remember the last time I actually watched the Super Bowl as it was played. I’ve listened to many, many Super Bowls on the radio as I would take my boys back to Bentonville; seems my weekend always fell on Super Bowl Sunday. At least on the radio you don’t have to watch the commercials!

My favorite commercial was the Taco Bell commercial with the lions watching the campers eat some new burrito or something. The lions talked with each other with one trying to teach the other to roll his “R”s.

You may know that the head coaches in the Super Bowl are Christians and openly apply Christian principles to both life and coaching. Tony Dungy, of the winning Colts, said this to CBS’s Jim Nance as he received the Lombardi trophy for winning the game:
“Lovie Smith (
Chicago’s coach) and I are not only the first two African-Americans (to coach in the Super Bowl), but Christian coaches, showing that you can win doing it the Lord’s way. And we’re more proud of that.”

Here’s a guy at the top of the game. There is opportunity awaiting him that few people ever realize. His audience was larger than all but two television audiences EVER! The final episode of M*A*S*H and the Pittsburg/Dallas Super Bowl in the ‘70s are the only television programs to draw a larger audience. The Baptist Press headline put is this way: “Tony Dungy, at NFL’s pinnacle, points still higher to God.”

He didn’t have to do that. Or did he? Something inside true believers compels them to point toward God. That “something” is the Holy Spirit. It’s been said that the Holy Spirit’s primary role is to point to Christ – and this is true. The Holy Spirit is within true believers and he compels us to point to Christ. Tony Dungy did something many believers would not do. Tony Dungy did something many Christians would be ashamed to do. Tony Dungy did something many Christ-followers shy away from.

Tony Dungy did NOT quench the Holy Spirit as the Spirit compelled Dungy to point to Christ. My stage may never be as large as Dungy’s. My accomplishments may never draw the excitement from the sports world as his. My opportunities to point to Christ may never be as public as Dungy’s. But I must still never quench the Spirit as he compels me to point to Christ.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Lord Added

Have you noticed how things grow when God is involved?  Riley’s puppy has gained 5 pounds in the 3 weeks since we picked her up from the Humane Society.  Puppies are supposed to do that; that’s how God made them.  Children are the same way.  Riley started out at 5 pounds, six ounces (he was 5 weeks early) but now tips the scales at 44 pounds.  God made him so he would grow.  At some point a person has to manage their growth because steady weight gain can lead to serious health issues!

We grow physically and emotionally and intellectually.  We are supposed to grow (or mature) in each of these areas.  Some growth happens naturally but most growth must be coaxed or nurtured.

Churches are supposed to grow, too.  God made them that way just like he made a baby to grow.  Church growth can be measured in many ways: spiritual maturity, outreach, physical plant, number of members.

We’ll grow tomorrow numerically.  We will baptize a new believer and she will become part of our church membership; she’s already part of the church family.  That’s an exciting thing!

We approved an aggressive budget last month so we need to purposefully grow financially in order to carry out the ministry plans we have set.  Financial stewardship is part of a healthy spiritual life; I’m sure as you mature your giving will also mature.

We want to reach our community with the gospel and meet physical needs.  That requires volunteers who are serious about their relationship with Christ.  So we must grow.

The Bible says that the Lord added to the numbers in the early Church DAILY!  I believe he still wants to add to our number daily or regularly.  I believe God wants to add to our spiritual maturity daily.  I believe he wants to add to our ability to do ministry and outreach.  I believe he wants to add to our stewardship.  I believe he wants to add to the warmth of our fellowship.  I believe God was to add to Cross Road Baptist Church.

No growth occurs or is sustained without God doing the adding.  Let us pray that he will add to us daily.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life


Thursday, February 1, 2007

Snow Day

Bad weather, huh?

Here's my philosophy on church and inclement weather: if it's too dangerous to get to church from where you are then don't try to come. I won't think bad things about you or write sermons about people who miss church because of snow or ice. I hate to pay a towing bills and insurance deductibles, too.

We will cancel services only when the weather is expected to be severe; afterall, I can get there, open the doors, turn on the heat, etc., since I live next door. But again, don't test the conditions if you are unsure about the safety in getting here from where you live. Most of you have hills and curves to deal with to get here.

Bottom line, I love having church but I would rather see you next week in church than in the hospital right now.

Feel free to check here for schedule changes or call the church office.