Friday, February 23, 2007

Caring for Each Other

A word that describes the church as depicted in the Book of Acts is “common.”  Not that the church is common; it is supernatural – a work of God!  By “common” I simply mean that people came together out of a common relationship with Christ, with a common purpose, and had all things in common.  They were “together,” they cared for each other.

Christians that make a difference today will continue to care about each other.  Here are some tips for doing that.

·         Send a note of encouragement during a person’s difficult time

·         Make a hospital or nursing home visit

·         Take a casserole to a family in bereavement

·         Share a meal with a fellow church member

·         Share prayer concerns and pray together

I’m sure you can think of many more ways to care for each other.  Now, be an outstanding church and do something common.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

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