Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Music in the Air

It’s that time of year! Christmas is upon us. I want you to think about the real reason for the season. I’ll share more about this Sunday morning in our worship.

Speaking of Sunday morning and Christmas time and music…Color it Christmas is a wonderful Christmas musical our choir will present this Sunday. I’m impressed with our choir’s ability and desire to share this message with you. You’ll hear a unique look at the colors we’ve all come to know as “Christmas colors.” Plan to be here and please bring someone with you. The message in song is effective in reaching many who tend to steer clear of a sermon.

Do you have your radio on today? So much Christmas music. Even the secular stations tell the story of our Savior’s birth. Reach over and crank it up so everyone can hear the message!

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

What a great first Sunday we're having. The Sunday School attendance was great. Let's keep it up. Keep inviting friends, family, and neighbors to church! I am convinced that if we invite them they will come so don't get discouraged if someone tells you they won't come or says they will then doesn't show up. The Holy Spirit continues to work on people long after we have left the scene. Let's do our job (invite them) and the Spirit will do his.

The impact we can have on our community is limited only by our effort. Together, we can win our corner of Saline and Pulaski counties to Christ, show the way to meaningful relationships, help folks overcome problems they face, and open the path toward and full and meaningful life. People want answers to the issues which confront them day after day. We have the answer: Jesus Christ.

We can also impact the world through our missions and ministries. Let us not become weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9) but continue to build upon the legacy found the in the rich past of Cross Road. God has called us to be "on mission" to reach the world for Christ. Through his power we can do it! All things are possible with God (Mark 10:27b).

I'm excited. Can you tell? Let me quote Gomer Pyle in saying, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Friday, November 24, 2006

Sunday's Message

I'll stand in the pulpit as your pastor for the first time Sunday. God has been at work to bring this about; I believe Sunday is a divine appointment. Let's not miss it!

The message I'll bring during the morning service will be based on Jesus' response to the question, "What is the greatest commandment?" His answer was to love God and love each other. All the law and the prophets hang on this, Jesus said.

I will challenge us to grow in the areas of worship, fellowship, ministry, evangelism and discipleship. Cross Road has experienced marvelous things over the years; let's build on all that you have already experienced and continue to reach toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us.

Bring your Bible, come for Sunday School, and invite someone to join you.

Things to be Thankful For

Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to think about all the blessings we have experienced. First, I'm thankful that I am a child of God. I can imagine nothing better than this. God created me, died for my sins, sought me out and drew me to him, and wraps me in his love everyday. I'm glad God is God!

I am also thankful for my family. Deana and the boys bring such joy to my life. Next to being a Christian, I like being a husband and father best. I just hope I can love Deana like Christ loves the church. I want to love the boys like my heavenly Father loves me.

Then I'm thankful for my church. How could a Christian ever come close to the goal of godliness and holiness outside a fellowship of believers? It's not possible! But together we can all become more like Christ. Jesus said that loving God and loving each other were the two commandments that sum up the entire law. He set a great example of loving like that. Together we can learn to do it, too.

I am thankful for you and hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Moving Day

We'll be moving into the parsonage Friday and Saturday. I have to tell you how great the house looks. New kitchen, new floor covering, new almost everything. Deana and I want you to know that our home is open to you. She likes to have folks over so we'll have an official open house before Christmas. As soon as she sets a date I'll let you know.

I have so much to thank the church for: calling me as pastor, making us feel so welcome already, fixing up the parsonage, fixing up the pastor's study in the church, your enthusiasm to follow Christ, and on and on. I want to meet each of you and thank you. I also want to get to know you and share in your lives.

Be looking for our contact information in the bulletin and newsletter very soon. And use them! I look forward to serving you.

Praying for you,

Saturday, November 11, 2006


God is moving in a great way! You have a testimony, too, don't you? This blog is a journal of God's work at Cross Road Baptist Church, Little Rock, AR. The church has a great history of ministry and missions. The past year has been an incredible time. The church could have entered a period of decline after the sudden death of their pastor, John Savage.

Instead, the church has kept going and growing. John challenged the church to double the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal just a week before he died. They met the challenge with over $4,000 for the missions offering.

Instead of just coasting or declining while searching for a pastor, Cross Road has had more than 20 additions to the church this year.

God is moving in a great way! You just can't say that enough.

I'm the new pastor. Actually, November 20 will be my first day on the field and in the office. I fully expect God to continue moving. And I'm looking forward to it. Keep checking back for information about the church. I'll post frequently to keep you up to date on God's activity and our planning. I hope you'll find this blog informative, inspiring, and maybe a little humorous, too.