Thursday, March 29, 2007

From the Bookshelf...

A previous job involved travel throughout the US to our company's facilities and those of our clients. On one of the flights across country I read Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory. I was fascinated by the story and it was short enough to read on a two-hour flight.

Without giving away the entire book, this is about a man who is skeptical toward religion until he accepts an invitation to have dinner with Jesus.

Gregory wrote a sequel entitled A Day with a Perfect Stranger that is also an easy worthwhile read.

The Perfect Stranger series will give you answers to tough questions people ask about God and Christianity. You may even learn something about other religions. I bought my copies at Wal-Mart. Other retailers and online outlets will have them, too.

Sunrise Service

Hey, Kids!

Easter Egg Hunt
For ages 2 yrs – 10 yrs
Saturday, April 7 2:00 pm

Jesus! The One and Only!

The choir has been preparing for the service this Sunday morning. The Easter musical "Jesus the One and Only" is the telling of a journey our Savior made to secure our salvation. Only Jesus loves us enough and is holy enough to do it. I'm glad he does and did!

Plan to participate in our morning worship at 11:00 on April 1. This will be a great opportunity to bring a family member or friend who otherwise may not be interested in church. Many will come for a special event. The musical is a gospel presentation so you can trust that the person you invite or bring will have the opportunity to come to Christ for salvation.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Monday, March 26, 2007

Good Things

We had such great services yesterday.  Many in our church family have shared with me how God is moving in their lives and directing them.  A mark of discipleship is that we hear God’s voice, listen to what he says, and obey his directives.  My goal in pastoral ministry is to help the church make and mold disciples.


The morning worship service ended with many filling our prayer altars and one coming to profess faith in Christ as her Savior and Lord.  These are GOOD THINGS!  To get to that point we had to have open ears and hearts, uplifting worship, and God’s Word binding us together and moving us toward him.


The service last night was an hour of singing and testimony.  Again, God moved us as we considered the simple concept of his love for us and the not-so-simple concept of the roll call in Heaven and the calming concept of having a friend in Jesus.  These, too, are GOOD THINGS!  God’s Word was just as much a part of this service as it was in the morning service…just through the medium of music.  “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”


What a blessing it is to be your pastor.


Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Burden That Won't Go Away

I have asked you about and you have faithfully responded in praying for the Tukulor people group living in The Gambia. They are unreached in that there is virtually no evangelical witness among them. The International Mission Board is working among their "cousins" in neighboring countries so I expect God will form a bridge from the existing work in to the Tukulor. That is my prayer and I thank you for praying with me about this.

When we first considered adopting an unreached people group I mentioned my previous contact with the former Soviet Union. I suspected the IMB might send us people groups in Russia because these people have been on my heart and mind for many years. That was not the case so I have focused my "ends of the earth" mission strategy on the Tukulor.

Have you ever had a burden that just won't go away? That's the way I feel about Russia. I'm not yet sure where this is leading, but I am praying for missionaries there who have Arkansas ties. Some of you may know Rusty and Lori Hart through missions studies. I became acquainted with their work a few years ago. Each time I think about missions in Russia I think about them.

Would you join me in praying for the work in Russia led by Rusty and Lori Hart? Here is their website; please browse to it and see what God may lay on your heart as a prayer concern. Then start praying.

Thank you for being a caring, praying church that delights in...

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Armor of God series

I have preached since late January from the passage in Ephesians 6 relating to the Armor of God. There are just a few more sermons in the series so I hope you will make every effort to be in our morning worship services for the next few weeks.

Tomorrow, I'll show you have God's Word sufficiently arms us for the offensive aspect of spiritual warfare. The Word is both an offensive weapon and a defensive tool. Bring your Bibles and join us for Bible study at 9:45 and the worship at 11:00.

On March 25 I'll preach about the use of prayer in spiritual battle. Then on Easter Sunday, April 8, I'll conclude the series on the Armor of God by focusing on how Jesus demonstrated the proper us of the armor in his death and resurrection.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Men's Ministry

What a great day for a skeet shoot! And "Looney Farm" was a great place for it. If you missed it you really missed it. The next time you hear about a skeet shoot at Cross Road - be sure to mark down the time, date, and location.

Many of our "regulars" were there along with several men I had not met. Some were prospects to be involved in Bible study, worship, and ministry with us. I look forward to what God may have in store for us regardin these men.

I owned a 22-cal. bolt action rifle, a 30-30 lever action rifle, and a 20-ga pump shotgun many years ago. I sold them in 1992 and hadn't used them for many years before that. Needless to say, it had been a while since I shot a gun. Feeling the pressure to step up and display my lack of marksmanship, I finally did. I hit 2 of 3 targets! How's that?

Lunch was wonderful - BBQ ribs, beans, coleslaw, and potato salad under the trees as the sun warmed us. Don't get in the shade, though. That was a little chilly.

An older gentleman named Ben shared a testimony of how God has led him, encouraged him, and used him over his 72 years. His stirring comments about getting right and staying right with God were right on target - fitting for the event.

Today was an example of how we are...

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Calvin & Barb Luck

The Lucks have served for the past three years in Mitchell, South Dakota to expand the reach of the gospel there. Evangelical Christianity work (especially Southern Baptist) is rare in this area. They have served faithfully and now feel God is moving them into other areas of ministry.

Calvin & Barb have moved to Searcy, Arkansas. Look for their mailing address on the Missions bulletin board.

I have invited them to share their experiences and God's work with us on Sunday, May 6. I look forward to meeting them and I know you will also enjoy hearing their testimony and message. We have supported them with prayer and finances; plan to be here on May 6 to learn of the result of your support.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Church Calendar

The Church Council has met several times to put together the "official" church calendar. It is of utmost importance that as groups plan events they check with the Church Council for two reasons.

One is to make sure there is nothing conflicting already scheduled. One way to ensure a poorly attended event or meeting is to schedule it in conflict with something else. Both events will suffer.

Another reason is to plan the use of our resources. Be careful not to schedule two things in the same space. The van cannot go in two directions at once. A little advance planning resolves any potential conflicts before they arise.

Contact the church office at 821-3078 to add an event to the calendar and check for conflicts. We try to post a monthly calendar at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the month. Future calendars are prepared but not yet printed.

Thanks for your cooperation. As we grow this will become even more important.

VBS Is Closer Than You Think

Our VBS is scheduled for July 16-20 but we have plenty of planning and training events already on the calendar.

There is a Pre-game Party for Bible Study Locker Room Coaches on Sunday, March 18 at 5:00 p.m.

The State VBS Clinic is set for Thursday, April 19 at First Baptist Church in Sherwood. Be watching for additional details.

We have a planning meeting scheduled on Saturday, May 12 and a block party for July 14.

We need you in VBS! Please see Angie for a place to serve.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Skeet Shoot

I'm excited about this event planned for next weekend. We'll have a skeet shoot on Saturday, March 17 starting at 9:00 a.m. We'll have a great time!

Nothing like BBQ to finish off a great guys event. So about 11:00 we'll have lunch. Call the church office for additional details. 821-3078

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Eventful Night & Guardian Angels

First, I want to thank you for allowing me to be away from our services last night. My son at UCA is a music major and must present a senior recital as part of his graduation requirements. For reasons Jim could not control it was rescheduled for last night.

Jim intends to be a choir director in public schools so his was a vocal recital. I'm so proud of him even though I don't understand the Italian, French, and German. The words were printed in English in the program. Many of the songs had a very moving Christian theme, others were playful. It was a good night.

On the way home, however... We stopped at Sonic on Dave Ward Drive in Conway to get our usual banana shake and blended Coke float but the shake/blender was out of order so we headed down Hwy 365 to the Sonic in Mayflower.

On the way a car in front of us was stopped to turn left; we stopped behind it. When traffic cleared, the car pulled away but I could see in the rearview mirror a car coming very fast. I knew he would be unable to stop so I started pulling to the right shoulder trying to get out of his way. Unfortunately, he hit us...then drove away. That really bugs me!

Everyone is OK. The rear bumper of the car has some damage.

The officer patrolling Mayflower said there was a car in the community matching the description we gave. The person is on parole - which explains why he left the scene of the accident, I suppose.

Believing Romans 8:28, we began looking for God at work in this situation. Riley has been praying each night that guardian angels will protect him while he sleeps. He's even asked what would happen to a guardian angel if he is stabbed in the heart with a sword. So we took the opportunity to explain to Riley how God's angels must have been watching over us protecting us. We thanked God for that.

We also explained "parole" and used this as an opportunity to explain to Riley that sometimes people make bad decisions but are given a second chance. We talked about the importance of doing right when given a second chance. We also talked about how this person who hit us might not know Christ since he was making several bad decisions; and we prayed for him.

Deana and I also were reminded again of the temporal aspect of our possessions. We can sometimes get attached to our "things" but this helps us keep the proper perspective.

Bottom line? God is good all the time.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Carl Brown Funeral

Carl Brown passed away Sunday evening. Mr. Brown was a long-time member of Cross Road and served as Deacon and Sunday School teacher.

Funeral services will be Wednesday morning, March 7, at 10:00 at Roller-Ballard Funeral Home in Benton.

Pray for Steven, Delton, David, and Linda along with their families.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Prayer Request

Sibyl Davis was involved in an automobile accident this afternoon. She had the kids with her and they are all OK. However, Sibyl has multiple fractures in her lower left leg. Please pray for her comfort while she awaits the doctor's decision regarding surgery.