Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Burden That Won't Go Away

I have asked you about and you have faithfully responded in praying for the Tukulor people group living in The Gambia. They are unreached in that there is virtually no evangelical witness among them. The International Mission Board is working among their "cousins" in neighboring countries so I expect God will form a bridge from the existing work in to the Tukulor. That is my prayer and I thank you for praying with me about this.

When we first considered adopting an unreached people group I mentioned my previous contact with the former Soviet Union. I suspected the IMB might send us people groups in Russia because these people have been on my heart and mind for many years. That was not the case so I have focused my "ends of the earth" mission strategy on the Tukulor.

Have you ever had a burden that just won't go away? That's the way I feel about Russia. I'm not yet sure where this is leading, but I am praying for missionaries there who have Arkansas ties. Some of you may know Rusty and Lori Hart through missions studies. I became acquainted with their work a few years ago. Each time I think about missions in Russia I think about them.

Would you join me in praying for the work in Russia led by Rusty and Lori Hart? Here is their website; please browse to it and see what God may lay on your heart as a prayer concern. Then start praying.

Thank you for being a caring, praying church that delights in...

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

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