Friday, December 15, 2006

Wednesday Nights

If you aren’t taking part of the Wednesday night fare you are missing out!  We have supper at 6:00.  It’s free to visitors; members are asked to make a donation to defray the cost.


At 7:00 I lead in a Bible study and time of prayer.  Currently, the Bible study is on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.  We’ve just started so you haven’t missed much.  The Sermon is Jesus’ practical application of God’s Law, among other things.  You’ll find this practical study to be interactive, engaging, in depth, and beneficial.


The prayer time is a time to focus on how God has, does, and will act in our lives.  If Christians are to see God’s will gloriously unfold in their lives and churches, it will be because of prayer.  We talk about and pray for missions.  Then we talk about and pray for physical needs like sickness.  Then we pray for spiritual needs like salvation, reconciliation, restoration, and forgiveness.  I believe anything great that is to happen at Cross Road will begin in these prayer meetings.  I know it’s old-fashioned to think prayer makes a difference, but you know what?  I’m just old-fashioned enough to believe it!  Come with me to the altar; we’ll approach the throne of grace with confidence.


The children and youth participate in missions studies where they learn about missionaries and the work they do in places all around the world.  Adult Christians are much more likely to be mission-minded when they received the missions foundation at a younger age.  Who knows but that God will call one of these children or teenagers to go into inner-city USA or unreached Africa?  How cool would that be?


Many churches have little going on on Wednesday nights.  Here at Cross Road, we want to leverage our time together to enhance the Kingdom of God.  Join us!

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