Thursday, January 4, 2007

New Orleans Needs Our Help

The recovery work in New Orleans is far from finished.  Arkansas Baptists were some of the first on sight after Katrina hit sixteen months ago and we are still there meeting needs and loving people.  A huge effort going on now is in construction.  This came from the Arkansas Baptist State Convention today:

“Between now and the end of August, 2007, you can show the love of Jesus to the people of New Orleans through the Arkansas Baptist Builders ministry.  Onsite supervisors will train you to install insulation and sheetrock.  If you are a plumber, electrician or have another construction trade, we can use your help!

Adults and students from the 7th grade up are invited!  Cost is $20 per person for a WEEK, plus transportation.

Others are needed to help with evangelism, VBS, and more.”

I will be going to New Orleans on January 18-19 as part of the Pulaski Baptist Association’s vision team.  We can begin planning right away to take groups down to work.  As of 1/3/07 the weeks beginning on Saturday Jan 6, Jan 13, Mar 10, and Mar 17 are fully booked.  Otherwise, the calendar is wide open and full of opportunity.

Your Cooperative Program dollars and Dixie Jackson offering already support this work.  To our GIVING let’s add GOING and PRAYING.

If you can help with the construction, evangelism, or VBS please let me know as soon as possible.  We’ll put a Coordination Team together for this mission project soon.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life


1 comment:

Angie said...

Bro Bob,

I can help plan the VBS from here. But, since Jerod is too young to go - I don't want to go without him.
