Saturday, March 17, 2007

Men's Ministry

What a great day for a skeet shoot! And "Looney Farm" was a great place for it. If you missed it you really missed it. The next time you hear about a skeet shoot at Cross Road - be sure to mark down the time, date, and location.

Many of our "regulars" were there along with several men I had not met. Some were prospects to be involved in Bible study, worship, and ministry with us. I look forward to what God may have in store for us regardin these men.

I owned a 22-cal. bolt action rifle, a 30-30 lever action rifle, and a 20-ga pump shotgun many years ago. I sold them in 1992 and hadn't used them for many years before that. Needless to say, it had been a while since I shot a gun. Feeling the pressure to step up and display my lack of marksmanship, I finally did. I hit 2 of 3 targets! How's that?

Lunch was wonderful - BBQ ribs, beans, coleslaw, and potato salad under the trees as the sun warmed us. Don't get in the shade, though. That was a little chilly.

An older gentleman named Ben shared a testimony of how God has led him, encouraged him, and used him over his 72 years. His stirring comments about getting right and staying right with God were right on target - fitting for the event.

Today was an example of how we are...

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

1 comment:

Mike said...

pls consider adding this to your blog roll: