Friday, May 11, 2007

I've Moved

Please use this link for more about Cross Road Baptist Church.


Pastor's Blog


Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Monday, May 7, 2007


As a pastor, I am cautious when a child comes forward to accept Christ as Savior and Lord.  My experience tells me that certainly a child can be truly saved.  I was 8 years old when I was saved.  I knew very little about God, Jesus, and salvation at that time.  I only knew that I was a sinner and that sin was a problem between God and me.  I knew that Jesus was God’s son and that he died on the cross for me.  There’s a lot I still don’t understand!

But I also know people who walked the aisle at a young age, were baptized, and thought they were saved.  Salvation is an act of the will to agree with God about your sinfulness and to accept his resolution for that problem: Jesus’ death on the cross.  Upon confessing Christ as your Savior and committing your life to him, you are saved.  It can only be accomplished by grace through faith.  Grace is where you don’t deserve what you get.  Mercy is where you don’t get what you deserve.  Many folks think grace and mercy are the same but there is a subtle yet significant difference!  I not only want mercy (not getting what I deserve – punishment and hell) but I also want grace (not deserving what I get – forgiveness and Heaven)!  Faith is believing that God is exactly who he says he is and that he will do exactly what he says he will do.  Salvation is by grace through faith.

What an awful thing to do to a child to allow him to run through the motions of walking the aisle and being baptized without ever having a true salvation experience!  Many adults think they are saved because they walked the aisle, repeated a prayer, and were baptized when a child.  They believe they have their ticket to Heaven punched and don’t really care about how they live or living for Christ.  That false sense of security that churches place on them can be an eternal disaster.

I don’t want that to happen to any child.  So when my son Riley started asking questions about salvation, being a Christian, being baptized, and taking the Lord’s Supper, I was cautious.  This has been going on for several months but I just didn’t think he understood the basics: what sin is, that he is a sinner, that Jesus died on the cross as punishment for his sins, that being a Christian is about more than baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Last night I sat on the edge of the bed with him as we said our bedtime prayers.  After I said mine he asked me what sin is.  He pronounced it with a “d” on the end of it (“send”) so I answered based on that.  He corrected me.  I wanted to see if he really understood; his correction let me know he had a good idea of what sin is.  We talked for a while and also talked with Deana (my wife, his mother).  We finally felt comfortable with him praying to receive Christ as Savior.

I think it’s real.  And I’m real happy.  There is nothing like helping your child be birthed into God’s family.  I’ve been privileged to be present when all my sons were born into my family and born into God’s family.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Cross Connection

Another great day of missions ministry!  God is so good to show himself to us as we serve him.  Today, we went to Hot Springs for Cross Connection.  This is an event sponsored by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention that provides the opportunity for youth to learn creative ways to do ministry (games, balloons, face painting, puppets…) and a ministry project to complete during the afternoon.

Our project was socializing and yard work at a nursing home in the Hot Springs area.  Our 5 youth trimmed a few shrubs, cleaned a window (inside and out), and called a few games of BINGO.  This nursing center is unique in that it is operated in an adapted house rather than the institutional set-up I’m accustomed to.  That made it easier for our youth.

The bands, the speaker, and the breakout session were fantastic.

It’s been two weeks jam packed with missions!  Don’t miss your opportunity to be involved.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Monday, April 30, 2007

PBA Kidz on Mission

Take a look at pictures of Jerod & Bro. Bob working hard at Camp Paron.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Friends and Family Day

What a great day!  Attendance for Bible Study and Worship was outstanding.  The Apostles were wonderful.  The food was plentiful and delicious.  And the preaching was __________.  (You can fill in the blank!)

Thank you for supporting and participating in special days like Friends and Family Day.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

New Orleans

The trip to New Orleans was fantastic.  We are planning another trip in October.  Start planning now to take part; you will be blessed.

Our team was able to complete hanging sheet rock in two houses, install plumbing fixtures in a house, start hanging sheet rock in one house, and build storage shelves for Arkansas Baptist Builders.  Every homeowner we met was full of joy and thankfulness.  We witnessed to them and feel confident that most if not all are Christians.

It was an unbelievable experience as God worked through us to restore hope to people who have experienced so much in the last 20 months.  Ask me for information about the next trip if you are interested in going.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Sunday, April 22, 2007

VBS Clinic

Anyone supporting VBS will benefit from the VBS Clinic provided by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.  The clinic in our area is Thursday, April 26, at First Southern Baptist Church in Bryant.  The church is located on Reynolds Road south of I40…just keep driving til you see it on the right.  It starts at 6:00pm.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mission Trip

Our team will be leaving early Monday morning for New Orleans to help people repair their homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina.  Arkansas Baptists have been in New Orleans since the Hurricane hit in 2005.  We are still there.  The work has included clean-up, showers, meals, construction, VBS, block parties, and much more.  Since church facilities were damaged and church members were scattered, the work there is broad and includes ministries the local church would/should do…if the church was still there.

We will be working in the Gentilly area and staying at Gentilly Baptist Church.  This church once averaged near 300 in worship but now has a few dozen even though they are meeting together with Elysian Fields Baptist Church.  Both churches felt the impact of Katrina in both buildings and people.  The need is great.

Thank you for contributing to this mission trip in the many ways you have.  Please pray NOW that no circumstance will exist that will limit the team’s ability to go.  Pray NEXT WEEK for safe travel, witnessing opportunities, job safety, and few or no problems that would limit the team’s ability to carry out the task.

Pray, too, about a possible return trip later in the year.  The timeline has been extended through November 2007.  Some have expressed a desire to be part of the team but the timing has not worked out for them.  Perhaps we can put another trip together in the Fall.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Monday, April 16, 2007

Va Tech Shooting

While our understanding of the details regarding the murders on the campus of Virginia Tech is still coming together, what is clear is that a person has taken the lives of many innocent people. Media outlets are reporting the fatalities as high as 31 at this time with the possibility of the count going even higher. That makes this the deadliest school shooting in a history that includes Westside and Columbine.

Rather than try to explain what happened, let it be enough for now to know that families and communities are hurting and grieving. As Christians we should pray for God’s grace to be prevalent at this time in their lives because we have learned from our own experiences – similar or not – that his grace is the only consolation. While it is now too late to pray for the salvation of the deceased it is never too late to pray that this might open the hearts of others to experience salvation through Christ.

Recent events – Don Imus, NBA star vs referee, school shooting – are evidence that we live in a fallen world among fallen people. When people stop having the mindset that “it’s all about me” and realize that life is about a relationship with Jesus…then we may see a change. I believe this can happen but only when Christians submit themselves completely to the Holy Spirit so that he can move through us and use us to accomplish his purposes.

Over the next days or weeks you may have conversations with family members, friends, coworkers, and others regarding this rampage. Please take that opportunity to express your belief that a relationship with Jesus is the answer to a person’s problems.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Friday, April 13, 2007

Sufficient Grace

My sister and brother-in-law set out during Spring Break to travel Route 66.  They, along with their two daughters and a dog, left with very little on the agenda: no specific places to go and no hotel reservations.  The plan was to simply go and do until they had spent all but what was necessary to get home – in other words, until they were broke!

After five or six days on the road my youngest niece called her grandmother and said, “We’re headed home; we’re broke!”

Have you ever been broke?  Initially, we think of being broke as a financial situation.  I’ve been there.  Those were hard times when valuable lessons were learned.  Those were times when I was burdened with the weight of not being able to provide for my family like I wanted.  Those were times when I felt very inadequate.

“Broke” can also describe your relationships.  Maybe a high school sweetheart broke your heart or an adult relationship fell apart.  Times like these often spin a person into despair.  If it happened to you, did you feel hopeless?  This is often the case.

The loss of a job breaks our hearts.  The loss of a dear friend or loved one hurts.  An arrest or conviction or jail time (your own or a loved one’s) leaves you broken.  The doctor’s words bring so much pain yet have a numbing affect at the same time.

For me, I rarely experience one “breaking” thing at a time; it seems like they come in pairs or even in waves.

The apostle Paul might calls these things “a thorn in my flesh.”  This great man of God experienced it, too.  The burden is so heavy it seems unbearable.  When Paul pled with the Lord to remove the burden, Jesus simply replied, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

It is often said that grace is not getting what you deserve.  Let me clarify the point.  MERCY is not getting what you deserve.  GRACE is getting better than you deserve.

God’s grace is sufficient – enough – best – OK – just what I need.

Sufficient grace is this: when you think you’ve spent all you have and your are broke…you still have enough to get home.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring Cleaning

We finally found a way to keep our dog Sandy outside; she’s been spending the nights in the garage since mid-January.  Now that she’s not in the garage Deana has straightened up in there and I’ve moved all the left-overs from the remodeling to the burn pile.  We are close to being able to park in the garage!

Spring is the time for cleaning.  I have some “yard tools” that were just tossed under the house when we moved in that need attention.  My desk is always in need of Spring cleaning no matter what time of year it is!

How about your life?  Sometimes little things pile up in our lives.  We often just sweep them aside and the clutter grows almost with no notice.  Next thing you know, you’re a mess.

Just like neglecting your house cleaning can be a physical health issue, so neglecting your sins is a spiritual health issue.  Often, physical, emotional, psychological, financial, and relational issues accompany sin.  Don’t you think it’s time for a little Spring cleaning?

This is what God’s Word says about this: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9

Cleaning out the garage is a lot of work but we always like it better after the work is done.  Cleaning up your spiritual house is a lot of work, too, but Jesus did the work for you.  All you have to do is confess your sins to him and he will forgive them.  You’ll like it better after you do that.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Study of "Ruth"

She wasn’t even a Jew!  Even worse, she was a Moabite: a descendent of Lot’s relationship with his older daughter.  The Moabites were hostile toward the Hebrew people during the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.  Ruth was one of them.

Yet God chose to have a book in the Bible tell her story and bear her name. Join me on Sunday nights for a study of a story of decision, compassion, commitment, and blessing.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Another Great Sunday

God just keeps on being God!  And he always surprises me.  It’s not that I don’t think he can do great things, it’s just that he does it in new ways.  I always believe he CAN do great things; but I’m always surprised at HOW he does them!  Praise him!

The choir sang wonderfully as they presented the musical Jesus, the One and Only.

A teenager was baptized.

Another teenager accepted Christ as Savior and Lord.

Have you noticed the revival taking place among our youth group?  Let’s pray that God continue to be the difference in their lives.  Those of you who work with the youth are being excellent vessels in God’s hands.  He is using you in amazing ways.  That’s what discipleship is all about.

The atmosphere of service, fellowship, and worship are top notch.  You are…

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Thursday, March 29, 2007

From the Bookshelf...

A previous job involved travel throughout the US to our company's facilities and those of our clients. On one of the flights across country I read Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory. I was fascinated by the story and it was short enough to read on a two-hour flight.

Without giving away the entire book, this is about a man who is skeptical toward religion until he accepts an invitation to have dinner with Jesus.

Gregory wrote a sequel entitled A Day with a Perfect Stranger that is also an easy worthwhile read.

The Perfect Stranger series will give you answers to tough questions people ask about God and Christianity. You may even learn something about other religions. I bought my copies at Wal-Mart. Other retailers and online outlets will have them, too.

Sunrise Service

Hey, Kids!

Easter Egg Hunt
For ages 2 yrs – 10 yrs
Saturday, April 7 2:00 pm

Jesus! The One and Only!

The choir has been preparing for the service this Sunday morning. The Easter musical "Jesus the One and Only" is the telling of a journey our Savior made to secure our salvation. Only Jesus loves us enough and is holy enough to do it. I'm glad he does and did!

Plan to participate in our morning worship at 11:00 on April 1. This will be a great opportunity to bring a family member or friend who otherwise may not be interested in church. Many will come for a special event. The musical is a gospel presentation so you can trust that the person you invite or bring will have the opportunity to come to Christ for salvation.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Monday, March 26, 2007

Good Things

We had such great services yesterday.  Many in our church family have shared with me how God is moving in their lives and directing them.  A mark of discipleship is that we hear God’s voice, listen to what he says, and obey his directives.  My goal in pastoral ministry is to help the church make and mold disciples.


The morning worship service ended with many filling our prayer altars and one coming to profess faith in Christ as her Savior and Lord.  These are GOOD THINGS!  To get to that point we had to have open ears and hearts, uplifting worship, and God’s Word binding us together and moving us toward him.


The service last night was an hour of singing and testimony.  Again, God moved us as we considered the simple concept of his love for us and the not-so-simple concept of the roll call in Heaven and the calming concept of having a friend in Jesus.  These, too, are GOOD THINGS!  God’s Word was just as much a part of this service as it was in the morning service…just through the medium of music.  “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”


What a blessing it is to be your pastor.


Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Burden That Won't Go Away

I have asked you about and you have faithfully responded in praying for the Tukulor people group living in The Gambia. They are unreached in that there is virtually no evangelical witness among them. The International Mission Board is working among their "cousins" in neighboring countries so I expect God will form a bridge from the existing work in to the Tukulor. That is my prayer and I thank you for praying with me about this.

When we first considered adopting an unreached people group I mentioned my previous contact with the former Soviet Union. I suspected the IMB might send us people groups in Russia because these people have been on my heart and mind for many years. That was not the case so I have focused my "ends of the earth" mission strategy on the Tukulor.

Have you ever had a burden that just won't go away? That's the way I feel about Russia. I'm not yet sure where this is leading, but I am praying for missionaries there who have Arkansas ties. Some of you may know Rusty and Lori Hart through missions studies. I became acquainted with their work a few years ago. Each time I think about missions in Russia I think about them.

Would you join me in praying for the work in Russia led by Rusty and Lori Hart? Here is their website; please browse to it and see what God may lay on your heart as a prayer concern. Then start praying.

Thank you for being a caring, praying church that delights in...

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Armor of God series

I have preached since late January from the passage in Ephesians 6 relating to the Armor of God. There are just a few more sermons in the series so I hope you will make every effort to be in our morning worship services for the next few weeks.

Tomorrow, I'll show you have God's Word sufficiently arms us for the offensive aspect of spiritual warfare. The Word is both an offensive weapon and a defensive tool. Bring your Bibles and join us for Bible study at 9:45 and the worship at 11:00.

On March 25 I'll preach about the use of prayer in spiritual battle. Then on Easter Sunday, April 8, I'll conclude the series on the Armor of God by focusing on how Jesus demonstrated the proper us of the armor in his death and resurrection.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Men's Ministry

What a great day for a skeet shoot! And "Looney Farm" was a great place for it. If you missed it you really missed it. The next time you hear about a skeet shoot at Cross Road - be sure to mark down the time, date, and location.

Many of our "regulars" were there along with several men I had not met. Some were prospects to be involved in Bible study, worship, and ministry with us. I look forward to what God may have in store for us regardin these men.

I owned a 22-cal. bolt action rifle, a 30-30 lever action rifle, and a 20-ga pump shotgun many years ago. I sold them in 1992 and hadn't used them for many years before that. Needless to say, it had been a while since I shot a gun. Feeling the pressure to step up and display my lack of marksmanship, I finally did. I hit 2 of 3 targets! How's that?

Lunch was wonderful - BBQ ribs, beans, coleslaw, and potato salad under the trees as the sun warmed us. Don't get in the shade, though. That was a little chilly.

An older gentleman named Ben shared a testimony of how God has led him, encouraged him, and used him over his 72 years. His stirring comments about getting right and staying right with God were right on target - fitting for the event.

Today was an example of how we are...

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Calvin & Barb Luck

The Lucks have served for the past three years in Mitchell, South Dakota to expand the reach of the gospel there. Evangelical Christianity work (especially Southern Baptist) is rare in this area. They have served faithfully and now feel God is moving them into other areas of ministry.

Calvin & Barb have moved to Searcy, Arkansas. Look for their mailing address on the Missions bulletin board.

I have invited them to share their experiences and God's work with us on Sunday, May 6. I look forward to meeting them and I know you will also enjoy hearing their testimony and message. We have supported them with prayer and finances; plan to be here on May 6 to learn of the result of your support.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Church Calendar

The Church Council has met several times to put together the "official" church calendar. It is of utmost importance that as groups plan events they check with the Church Council for two reasons.

One is to make sure there is nothing conflicting already scheduled. One way to ensure a poorly attended event or meeting is to schedule it in conflict with something else. Both events will suffer.

Another reason is to plan the use of our resources. Be careful not to schedule two things in the same space. The van cannot go in two directions at once. A little advance planning resolves any potential conflicts before they arise.

Contact the church office at 821-3078 to add an event to the calendar and check for conflicts. We try to post a monthly calendar at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the month. Future calendars are prepared but not yet printed.

Thanks for your cooperation. As we grow this will become even more important.

VBS Is Closer Than You Think

Our VBS is scheduled for July 16-20 but we have plenty of planning and training events already on the calendar.

There is a Pre-game Party for Bible Study Locker Room Coaches on Sunday, March 18 at 5:00 p.m.

The State VBS Clinic is set for Thursday, April 19 at First Baptist Church in Sherwood. Be watching for additional details.

We have a planning meeting scheduled on Saturday, May 12 and a block party for July 14.

We need you in VBS! Please see Angie for a place to serve.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Skeet Shoot

I'm excited about this event planned for next weekend. We'll have a skeet shoot on Saturday, March 17 starting at 9:00 a.m. We'll have a great time!

Nothing like BBQ to finish off a great guys event. So about 11:00 we'll have lunch. Call the church office for additional details. 821-3078

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Eventful Night & Guardian Angels

First, I want to thank you for allowing me to be away from our services last night. My son at UCA is a music major and must present a senior recital as part of his graduation requirements. For reasons Jim could not control it was rescheduled for last night.

Jim intends to be a choir director in public schools so his was a vocal recital. I'm so proud of him even though I don't understand the Italian, French, and German. The words were printed in English in the program. Many of the songs had a very moving Christian theme, others were playful. It was a good night.

On the way home, however... We stopped at Sonic on Dave Ward Drive in Conway to get our usual banana shake and blended Coke float but the shake/blender was out of order so we headed down Hwy 365 to the Sonic in Mayflower.

On the way a car in front of us was stopped to turn left; we stopped behind it. When traffic cleared, the car pulled away but I could see in the rearview mirror a car coming very fast. I knew he would be unable to stop so I started pulling to the right shoulder trying to get out of his way. Unfortunately, he hit us...then drove away. That really bugs me!

Everyone is OK. The rear bumper of the car has some damage.

The officer patrolling Mayflower said there was a car in the community matching the description we gave. The person is on parole - which explains why he left the scene of the accident, I suppose.

Believing Romans 8:28, we began looking for God at work in this situation. Riley has been praying each night that guardian angels will protect him while he sleeps. He's even asked what would happen to a guardian angel if he is stabbed in the heart with a sword. So we took the opportunity to explain to Riley how God's angels must have been watching over us protecting us. We thanked God for that.

We also explained "parole" and used this as an opportunity to explain to Riley that sometimes people make bad decisions but are given a second chance. We talked about the importance of doing right when given a second chance. We also talked about how this person who hit us might not know Christ since he was making several bad decisions; and we prayed for him.

Deana and I also were reminded again of the temporal aspect of our possessions. We can sometimes get attached to our "things" but this helps us keep the proper perspective.

Bottom line? God is good all the time.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Carl Brown Funeral

Carl Brown passed away Sunday evening. Mr. Brown was a long-time member of Cross Road and served as Deacon and Sunday School teacher.

Funeral services will be Wednesday morning, March 7, at 10:00 at Roller-Ballard Funeral Home in Benton.

Pray for Steven, Delton, David, and Linda along with their families.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Prayer Request

Sibyl Davis was involved in an automobile accident this afternoon. She had the kids with her and they are all OK. However, Sibyl has multiple fractures in her lower left leg. Please pray for her comfort while she awaits the doctor's decision regarding surgery.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You're Not A Kid Anymore

This is borrowed from

You’re not a kid anymore when…

  • The only reason you’re awake at 4 a.m. is indigestion.
  • You are proud of your lawnmower.
  • 8 a.m. is your idea of “sleeping in.”
  • People call you at 8 p.m. and ask you, “Did I wake you?”
  • Your high school diploma is the color of buttermilk.
  • Nobody ever tells you to slow down.
  • You’ve seen Halley’s Comet…twice.
  • You have a party and the neighbors don’t even realize it.

Have a great week!

Against State Lottery

It is likely that the State Legislature will discuss and perhaps vote on bringing a State Lottery issue to the voters.  I have contacted Representative Dan Greenberg and Senator Shane Broadway encouraging them to stand, speak, and vote against this in their respective chambers.  Both have responded saying they are against the state lottery.  Praise the Lord!

I will not get into a lengthy discussion of gambling at this point, but know that gambling in any form is not good stewardship, hurts families and the poor, and places an extra burden on the government to protect its citizens.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Todd Jones Memorial Service

Debbie has decided to have a memorial service for Todd.  It will be Thursday at 2:00pm at Roller-Chenal in Little Rock.  Your support and presence would be appreciated, I’m sure.

Thank you for being a caring church family.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Why I believe in the Resurrection

Recent news about a film regarding the tomb of Jesus and his family have ignited quite a discussion.  Some hope to discredit the claims of Christianity that Jesus was resurrected.  Others hope to use the film as a springboard into a discussion about the validity of the resurrection.  Still others simply take a condescending approach toward those who believe differently – on both sides!

I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  Here’s why.

The Empty Tomb
The Bible speaks repeatedly of an empty tomb.  And the Bible is reliable evidence because there are more copies of the New Testament from dates very close to when the events happened than of any other writings regarding that period.  We have no trouble accepting Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, yet we have hundreds more copies of the Bible than of Homer’s works.  A rational person cannot reject the validity of the Bible – and the Bible tells of an empty tomb.

The Post-Resurrection Appearances
Although many, including the Jewish officials of that day, claim the disciples stole the body from the tomb, Jesus appeared to many people after the resurrection.  He appeared to the women, to the disciples multiple times, to a group of 500, to the two on the Emmaus Road, and to Saul of Tarsus.  This many witnesses in a court of law is overwhelming evidence that nobody would dare contradict.

The Thorough Transformation of the Disciples
This is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting the resurrection.  If the resurrection is a hoax, how could the disciples stand up to the authorities like they did?  They either scattered or denied knowing Jesus just a few weeks earlier but beginning on Pentecost they were bold.  Christian historical tradition tells us that all the disciples except John were put to death for their beliefs; many of them died a tortuous death.  Why were they bold?  Why were they engaging the culture?  Why were they able to do things they had never done before?  When you embrace the truth of the resurrection of Jesus you change.

The Conversion and Testimony of Saul of Tarsus
We are first introduced to the great missionary Paul before his conversion as Saul of Tarsus – a Jewish religious zealot.  Instead of going down in history as the biggest persecutor of Christians, we know him as the greatest missionary ever.  Why did he forsake his former way of life and embrace Christianity?  He met a living Jesus.

The Absence of a Valid Contemporary Denial
The authorities had many opportunities to deny the resurrection: Peter and John stood before them accused of preaching in the name of Jesus and all the authorities said was to stop preaching in his name.  One would think that Jewish historians would have depicted Jesus in a negative light – if they mentioned him at all.  Yet hear what Flavius Josephus, who lived 37-97 AD wrote about Jesus in Antiquities.  “He was the Christ…He appeared to them alive on the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold.”

The Immediate Growth of the Christian Church
The immediate and sustained growth of the Christian church can only be explained in light of a resurrected Lord.  If this is a hoax then the disciples would not have preached as they did, the converts would have been fewer, the story would have lost enthusiasm from generation to generation, the story would have grown as legends do, and the millions of lives changed over the years would have felt no lasting affect.  But the story is the same today as 2000 years ago, it has gained momentum, and lives are truly changed as believers continue to aggressively proclaim the gospel.

The Lord’s Day
Do you know why we worship as a believing community on Sundays?  It’s because of the resurrection.  It happened on the morning after the Sabbath, which was from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday.  The women found the empty tomb on Sunday morning.  The church began meeting on Sunday in honor of the resurrection of the Savior.  Just one more piece of evidence pointing to the truth of the resurrection.

I believe in the resurrection and my life is different because of it.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Friday, February 23, 2007

Caring for Each Other

A word that describes the church as depicted in the Book of Acts is “common.”  Not that the church is common; it is supernatural – a work of God!  By “common” I simply mean that people came together out of a common relationship with Christ, with a common purpose, and had all things in common.  They were “together,” they cared for each other.

Christians that make a difference today will continue to care about each other.  Here are some tips for doing that.

·         Send a note of encouragement during a person’s difficult time

·         Make a hospital or nursing home visit

·         Take a casserole to a family in bereavement

·         Share a meal with a fellow church member

·         Share prayer concerns and pray together

I’m sure you can think of many more ways to care for each other.  Now, be an outstanding church and do something common.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines Banquet

Last night was a great time.  If you were there, you know!  Thanks to everyone who planned, prepared, and participated.  Sounds like a good sermon outline!  J

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Sense of Wonder

Do you still have the sense of wonder that you had as a child?

Here’s a silly example: We purchased our first color TV when I was about 8 years old.  In over-dramatic fashion, I fell to my knees then prone on the floor as if overcome by the terrific sight of the 19” set on the roll-around cart.

Here’s a better example: One line of the Oak Ridge Boys’ song Thank God for Kids says, “Daddy, how does this thing fly?  And a hundred other ‘where’s and ‘why’s.  I really don’t know, but I try; Thank God for kids.”  A child looks at all things with a sense of wonder.  They wonder how it works.  They wonder how it is made.  They wonder where it came from and whose idea it was.  Sometimes we are irritated with the barrage of “Why?” questions.  It’s the wonder of it all.

Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon, the Grand Cayman Islands, or the Grand Ballroom at the Waldorf Astoria?  Remember the first time you sat on the airplane as it accelerated down the runway?  Have you stood at Ground Zero or in a Presidential Library or on foreign soil?  Remember the wonder of it all?

But the wonder of wonders is that Jesus would take a place in our world as one of us so that we might spend eternity in his world with him.  Have you lost the sense of wonder?  Join us for Bible Study this Sunday and begin to recapture the wonder of it all.  Do you know someone who has lost the wonder?  Bring them with you.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

God Always Cares

I just completed reading the book of Exodus this morning.  In 1:8 we are told that the king of Egypt did not know Joseph – or his fathers or God’s promises to them.  In 2:24 we are told that God heard the Hebrews’ cries from oppression – and that God remembered (not that he had ever forgotten) his promises to the Hebrew people.

Then God called Moses to go to Pharaoh, the Hebrews finally make a run for the border, God dries a path through the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, periods of rebellion, the details of the tabernacle.

Fast forward to chapter 40.  God filled the tabernacle with his presence as a cloud and led them.

I’m encouraged in my daily walk with Christ to know that God is with me from beginning to end just like he was with the Hebrews on every page of the book of Exodus.  He is ever-present and cares enough to guide me, too.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A Pat on the Back

I know we aren't supposed to have pride concerning our work for the Lord; this is intended to be "not prideful."

Sunday was an absolutely great day! We baptized and we had more in Bible Study and Worship than any Sunday since I've been here. You are to be commended for your faithfulness and hard work. I believe the acronym G.R.O.W. is especially applicable: God Rewards Our Work.

Please continue to invite friends and neighbors to come with you. God has great things in store for us, some of which we are beginning to see a first glimpse of and some of which we could not even dream of. God is good and so are you.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life!

Super Bowl Reflection

I watched the Super Bowl in fast motion; It took about an 90 minutes – and only because I watched the commercials in regular speed. I recorded the game on DVR and sped through it to see what happened. Caleb, my 20 year old son, had called earlier in the afternoon and left a message for me to call him so I did with about 4 minutes to go in the first half – according to MY version of the game. I wouldn’t let him tell me who won the game!

I rarely watch NFL football anymore because my Sundays are workdays for me. I can’t remember the last time I actually watched the Super Bowl as it was played. I’ve listened to many, many Super Bowls on the radio as I would take my boys back to Bentonville; seems my weekend always fell on Super Bowl Sunday. At least on the radio you don’t have to watch the commercials!

My favorite commercial was the Taco Bell commercial with the lions watching the campers eat some new burrito or something. The lions talked with each other with one trying to teach the other to roll his “R”s.

You may know that the head coaches in the Super Bowl are Christians and openly apply Christian principles to both life and coaching. Tony Dungy, of the winning Colts, said this to CBS’s Jim Nance as he received the Lombardi trophy for winning the game:
“Lovie Smith (
Chicago’s coach) and I are not only the first two African-Americans (to coach in the Super Bowl), but Christian coaches, showing that you can win doing it the Lord’s way. And we’re more proud of that.”

Here’s a guy at the top of the game. There is opportunity awaiting him that few people ever realize. His audience was larger than all but two television audiences EVER! The final episode of M*A*S*H and the Pittsburg/Dallas Super Bowl in the ‘70s are the only television programs to draw a larger audience. The Baptist Press headline put is this way: “Tony Dungy, at NFL’s pinnacle, points still higher to God.”

He didn’t have to do that. Or did he? Something inside true believers compels them to point toward God. That “something” is the Holy Spirit. It’s been said that the Holy Spirit’s primary role is to point to Christ – and this is true. The Holy Spirit is within true believers and he compels us to point to Christ. Tony Dungy did something many believers would not do. Tony Dungy did something many Christians would be ashamed to do. Tony Dungy did something many Christ-followers shy away from.

Tony Dungy did NOT quench the Holy Spirit as the Spirit compelled Dungy to point to Christ. My stage may never be as large as Dungy’s. My accomplishments may never draw the excitement from the sports world as his. My opportunities to point to Christ may never be as public as Dungy’s. But I must still never quench the Spirit as he compels me to point to Christ.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Lord Added

Have you noticed how things grow when God is involved?  Riley’s puppy has gained 5 pounds in the 3 weeks since we picked her up from the Humane Society.  Puppies are supposed to do that; that’s how God made them.  Children are the same way.  Riley started out at 5 pounds, six ounces (he was 5 weeks early) but now tips the scales at 44 pounds.  God made him so he would grow.  At some point a person has to manage their growth because steady weight gain can lead to serious health issues!

We grow physically and emotionally and intellectually.  We are supposed to grow (or mature) in each of these areas.  Some growth happens naturally but most growth must be coaxed or nurtured.

Churches are supposed to grow, too.  God made them that way just like he made a baby to grow.  Church growth can be measured in many ways: spiritual maturity, outreach, physical plant, number of members.

We’ll grow tomorrow numerically.  We will baptize a new believer and she will become part of our church membership; she’s already part of the church family.  That’s an exciting thing!

We approved an aggressive budget last month so we need to purposefully grow financially in order to carry out the ministry plans we have set.  Financial stewardship is part of a healthy spiritual life; I’m sure as you mature your giving will also mature.

We want to reach our community with the gospel and meet physical needs.  That requires volunteers who are serious about their relationship with Christ.  So we must grow.

The Bible says that the Lord added to the numbers in the early Church DAILY!  I believe he still wants to add to our number daily or regularly.  I believe God wants to add to our spiritual maturity daily.  I believe he wants to add to our ability to do ministry and outreach.  I believe he wants to add to our stewardship.  I believe he wants to add to the warmth of our fellowship.  I believe God was to add to Cross Road Baptist Church.

No growth occurs or is sustained without God doing the adding.  Let us pray that he will add to us daily.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life


Thursday, February 1, 2007

Snow Day

Bad weather, huh?

Here's my philosophy on church and inclement weather: if it's too dangerous to get to church from where you are then don't try to come. I won't think bad things about you or write sermons about people who miss church because of snow or ice. I hate to pay a towing bills and insurance deductibles, too.

We will cancel services only when the weather is expected to be severe; afterall, I can get there, open the doors, turn on the heat, etc., since I live next door. But again, don't test the conditions if you are unsure about the safety in getting here from where you live. Most of you have hills and curves to deal with to get here.

Bottom line, I love having church but I would rather see you next week in church than in the hospital right now.

Feel free to check here for schedule changes or call the church office.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Armor of God

I'm excited about a series of sermons I will be preaching over the next several weeks. All of us face difficulties, hardships, whatever. And often this is because of spiritual warfare. In Paul's letter to teh Ephesians, God gives us great wisdom concerning oru preparation for these battles with Satan.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Friday, January 26, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

Global Missions

This morning I have attended the weekly ministers' breakfast for Pulaski Baptist Association (PBA) churches. We talked about mission trips. There are plenty of opportunities for us to get involved.

Other churches in our association are taking groups to New Orleans as early as late-February. We can partner with them to share travel expenses or plan a trip ourselves. There are many ways to put this trip together. I'll meet with those of you who are interested to make plans.

I want to plan a trip in the summer so that our Youth can be involved. There will be plenty of construction work through August along with VBS/Evangelism and yardwork. We can plan the trip around the abilities of those interested. Be looking for planning meetings over the next few weeks.

PBA is also planning "Reach Out Sheridan" which is a mission/ministry based youth event scheduled for June 10-14. Youth will stay in Sheridan throughout the event. They will have many different ministry opportunities: painting, yardwork, powerwashing sidewalks, backyard Bible clubs, etc. There will be a rally each night featuring Christian bands and speakers. This is a great opportunity for the youth to experience hands-on missions at a fraction of the cost of similar events. Adults can be involved as chaperones/counselors or work project coordinators. Chaperones/counselors will stay onsite with the youth; work project coordinators may stay or travel back and forth each day.

Children also have a chance to do missions by participating in the Little Rock Builders project at Camp Paron. They'll paint and fix up around the camp and have lots of fun. This is a one-day event in April.

Deana and I had a great time on the "Paint the Town" trip to New York last year. This year the emphasis is on Cleveland, Ohio. "Fresh Coat Cleveland" is planned for September. Volunteers will be painting houses for the needy. PBA will be sending details regarding the package they will provide; or we can plan our own trip.

Another opportunity is in Mexico with "Operation Hope" in Santiago Papasquiaro. Last year, PBA began prayer walking the city, passing out tracts and scriptures, and showing the Jesus film. Hundreds were saved. But the need is still great. This year we will continue with the initial evangelism efforts but also work toward discipling the new believers and establishing churches. Many of the churches that participated last year have already scheduled trips for this year. We can easily partner with one of them and join the work in progress.

And we have VBS and summer camps for children and youth. Adults needed for volunteers!

The Great Commission is our call to be involved in missions. Through Cross Road Baptist Church, Pulaski Baptist Association, the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, the North American Mission Board, and the International Mission Board we have ample possibilities.

How will you be involved?

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm Back

What a trip! The 17 pastors and lay people who went on the trip to New Orleans experienced some of the Katrina aftermath, the Arkansas Baptist Builders reconstruction work, and the famous New Orleans cuisine.

First, the Katrina aftermath. The areas we visited had been impacted differently by the hurricane. Here is a short list of the areas:
-The Gentilly Baptist Church was flooded for almost three weeks with 7 feet of water. The furnishing of every room on the bottom floor was ruined. Much of the things on the second and third floors were also ruined – not by flood waters but by mold that grew in the moisture that permeated the building.
-A man living across the street from Gentilly Baptist Church has just now returned to his home – after 16 months. His home had been flooded like the church but there has been not effort to stop the growth and spread of the mold and no other clean-up effort. Much of the framing of his home is damaged.
-Many blocks have only one or two houses whose owners have returned. Because of this, you can drive for blocks in what looks like a ghost town. You can tell which homeowners have returned by the FEMA trailers sitting in the yard next to the house. For as much as 16 months, these people have been living in the FEMA trailers which are only slightly larger than modest travel trailer. Some deer hunters live in larger quarters at camp.
-The 9th Ward. You’ve heard about and even seen it. This was the neighborhood most dramatically affected when the levies broke. Home to very poor people, the 9th Ward was the backdrop for many network news reports. This is where people were trapped in their attics or stranded on bridges.
-Every building was marked with an “X” and details about the authorities’ inspections of the properties in the days immediately following the flood. One quadrant of the “X” contains the date of the inspection, such as “9/10.” Another quadrant contains a reference to which authority inspected the property, such as “CA” for the California National Guard. Another quadrant contains the number of bodies found in the home, such as “0” but not always. These marks were left with spray paint scrawled like graffiti. “1 dog dead” caught our eye.
-The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary has recovered quickly and is now at about 95% functionality. We toured the campus with a professor – who is also the pastor of Gentilly Baptist Church. The high corner of the campus had only a small circle of grass around an oak tree above water in the days following the hurricane. The low end was 8 feet under water. The Library did not flood but rainwater blew in through broken windows. This was enough moisture to create a huge mold problem with 400,000 books because the campus was without power for many days – and so, no HVAC to condition the air. A group of WMU volunteers wiped down every page of every book with a substance to kill the mold. Baptists are good people!

Second, the Arkansas Baptist Builders reconstruction work. We met with the leaders who are on the ground who manage the reconstruction. Tools and material are available for anyone who will come to work. Groups had left earlier in the week and a group from Jonesboro arrived the day before we did. We followed them to the job site Friday morning to see how the operation works. For volunteers, this works with little confusion or down time. It must be the Lord clearing the way! Dennis and his wife manage the housing and meals. The facilities are very good. It won’t compete with a Holiday Inn but we didn’t come on vacation. It’s comfortable and clean. And the food is good. Home cooked breakfast gets the workday started. They will pack sandwiches for you to take to the job. I’m not sure what the evening meals consist of because we ate out on the town Thursday night. More about that later. The housing facility had a game room stocked with plenty of games, magazines, and a television – more than you’ll want to do for entertainment after a long day’s work.

Third, the famous New Orleans cuisine. You can’t go to New Orleans – even on a mission project – without a little taste of the town. We went to Drago’s which is a seafood restaurant – a very good one. Eighteen of us (we had a guest from the Louisiana state convention joined us) piled into an upstairs dining room along with about 15 former (maybe some current) New Orleans Saints football players. The Saints are in the NFC championship game this weekend and there was some kind of party going on. This was the only chance we had to do anything resembling tourism but there are lots of choices. I can’t imagine the city returning anytime soon to its former economic activity but there are enough businesses open to accommodate the smaller population plus the thousands of volunteers inhabiting the city.

The highlight of the trip for most of us was visiting “Deacon.” He spoke at our 2006 state convention meeting thanking Arkansas Baptists for adopting New Orleans. His home is almost renovated and he is so thankful to God and to us. Before we left his home we joined hands, filling the small room, and Deacon led in prayer. We felt like we had stood in God’s presence in worship by the time he said, “Amen.”

Even though you and I have not done anything in person to help, we have contributed to the Cooperative Program so we have helped in this way. And we have prayed. Now it is time to go.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

PBA Meeting & Joint Services

The Executive Board of Pulaski Baptist Association met yesterday for lunch and business.  Not much business to report but the catfish was piled high!

During the Annual Meeting last November, the Finance Committee was asked to determine if PBA had the funds available to purchase a bus or van.  The committee reported yesterday that we do have the funds.  They also moved that Danny Johnson, association missionary, appoint a committee to make recommendations concerning the actual purchase and use of the vehicle.  The motion passed.  We can expect to hear another recommendation at the next Executive Board meeting to be held in April.

I sat with Jay Weaver, pastor of Martindale Baptist Church, during the luncheon.  We talked about the joint community services for Easter and Thanksgiving.  We’ll be hosting both services.  Jay will bring the Easter message and Joe Berry, pastor of Holly Springs Baptist Church will bring the Thanksgiving message.  We provide the music and arrange the details of the meal/refreshments.  Easter is on Apirl 8 so we’ll start planning soon for that.  I’ll look for your input regarding what we’ve done in the past and what you would like to do this year.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Great Day Sunday

I hope you were there Sunday morning to participate in the baptismal service. It is very humbling to step into those waters with people who are beginning a lifelong walk with Jesus Christ. It is also a great honor to administer this wonderful ordinance of the church. This is one of the times I thank God for calling me into pastoral ministry.

Observing another's baptism is also an inspiring time for me. I always think back to my salvation and baptism. That was almost 35 years ago but I remember clearly what happened to me. My salvation changed my life; my baptism proclaimed the change. My prayer today is that my life demonstrates the change. God is good.

Can you remember when you first believed in Christ as your Savior and Lord? The level of memory detail varies from person to person but every Christian person should have some memory of it. Spend some time in prayer thanking God for your salvation and asking for additional vivid memories of the day you accepted His Son as your Savior. Then rejoice in it and tell someone about it...over and over again.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

SONshine New Orleans

I will be in New Orleans on Thursday and Friday, January 18-19, as part of a vision team from Pulaski Baptist Association. Currently, Arkansas Baptists are working in New Orleans building and repairing houses in areas severely affected by hurricane Katrina. The vision team will look at the work site and volunteer housing facility then return home to mobilize our churches.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to participate in a hands-on mission project that is relatively close to home and very inexpensive - only $20 per week for room and board. I hope you'll join me in this area of great need. You do not have to possess carpentry skills to be qualified to participate so don't let that deter you from volunteering.

I'm looking forward to being with you Sunday when I'll share with you what I've learned on this trip.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Start Planning Now

Here are some opportunities you may want to participate in. Posters are on the bulletin board in the hallway.

Touch a Life (Arkansas Baptist State Convention) is a skill and leadership workshop designed to use recreation and community ministry to reach people and meet needs. The training equips people for local ministry as well as missions beyond the local church. This will be a good conference for everyone, especially those involved in the women’s and men’s missions organizations.

March 2 & 3, 2007
Geyer Springs First Baptist Church

Little Rock
$15 per person

Spring 2007 Jubilee Conference
For Mature & Senior Adults
Music & Speaking by: Dr. Jerry Vines, Lynda Randle, Dino, Dr. Johnny Hunt, Legacy Five, Carl Hurley, Squire Parsons

April 23-25, 2007
Tri-Lakes Conference Center
Pricing Options starting at $129 per person (4 per room)

How Great is Our God TOUR
Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Louie Giglio

March 22 at 7:30 pm
Church at Rock Creek
Little Rock

Advance ticket prices are $20 and $26

Thursday, January 4, 2007

New Orleans Needs Our Help

The recovery work in New Orleans is far from finished.  Arkansas Baptists were some of the first on sight after Katrina hit sixteen months ago and we are still there meeting needs and loving people.  A huge effort going on now is in construction.  This came from the Arkansas Baptist State Convention today:

“Between now and the end of August, 2007, you can show the love of Jesus to the people of New Orleans through the Arkansas Baptist Builders ministry.  Onsite supervisors will train you to install insulation and sheetrock.  If you are a plumber, electrician or have another construction trade, we can use your help!

Adults and students from the 7th grade up are invited!  Cost is $20 per person for a WEEK, plus transportation.

Others are needed to help with evangelism, VBS, and more.”

I will be going to New Orleans on January 18-19 as part of the Pulaski Baptist Association’s vision team.  We can begin planning right away to take groups down to work.  As of 1/3/07 the weeks beginning on Saturday Jan 6, Jan 13, Mar 10, and Mar 17 are fully booked.  Otherwise, the calendar is wide open and full of opportunity.

Your Cooperative Program dollars and Dixie Jackson offering already support this work.  To our GIVING let’s add GOING and PRAYING.

If you can help with the construction, evangelism, or VBS please let me know as soon as possible.  We’ll put a Coordination Team together for this mission project soon.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life


Tuesday, January 2, 2007


We've had a three people receive Christ as Savior over that last couple of weeks so on January 14 we'll baptize during the morning worship service. Baptism is an act of obedience for the believer as he identifies with Christ and publicly proclaims his salvation. It is a moving and celebratory time in the church when we not only witness the new believers' baptism but recall our own. I'll never forget the day Jesus saved me!

January Bible Study

Join me for a study of the Epistles of the
Apostle John each Sunday night in
January and February
during the Evening Worship.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Fun Night

We had a great time at the Watchnight Party. There were at least 37 people there with 23 praying in the new year. Thanks to all of you who came, brought food, played, or prayed.

Impacting Eternity at the Cross Road of Life